Huia Brady Testimonial

My health and fitness journey has always been 0-100% either I’m over eating or not eating enough. Balance has always been a hard one to achieve therefore, I sought out Dynamic Nutrition.
The only thing I regret is not doing it earlier. They are welcoming, supportive and truly there to help you become your best self.
My journey started off really well reaching goals and supporting my body to stay healthy. I had more energy, my skin, and mental health improved. For example, I struggle around my period due to adenomyosis. This would often render me bed ridden, in pain and unwell. Every month I would binge eat, struggle to work out or even not go to work for at least two weeks. I tried numerous contraceptives and medications to assist with the symptoms however, none offered long term support. Until Nikayla suggested the vitex supplement. I no longer dread my menstrual cycle, or have to take numerous medications. It has been life changing.
The key beauty behind Dynamic Nutrition is their ability to not only focus on fitness and nutrition but all of the aspect that influence ones ability to be successful in achieving them.
Nikayla has allowed me to push through barriers mentally with food,  body image and illness. It’s amazing knowing there is support even when there are a few hard hits. For example, having a freak asthma attack and ending up in ICU. I almost lost the hard work Nikayla and I had achieved. However, those foundations set up by Nikayla paid off, as it’s helped my body bounce back faster than ever.
I honestly can’t thank Nikayla enough for her ongoing support and I look forward to 2021 knowing she’s in my corner.
Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition is an exciting initiative put together by amateur bodybuilders and health and fitness enthusiasts Brendon Lawrence and Nikayla Baker.

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