Comp Season Is Just Around The Corner!!

It is coming to that exciting time of year again !! 😀

As some of you may be aware show season is fast approaching !! Now is the time to be getting everything back under control, finding a structure with your eating, getting into the gym regularly and making some plans for the respective shows. Deciding to compete is one challenge and then figuring out which federation and what category is an even bigger one, exciting though 😀

If you’re interested in competing this year whether it be your first time or whether you’re an experienced athlete looking for that new edge, we would love to help you reach the stage !! Both Brendon and I live and breathe the bodybuilding lifestyle every single day, we practice what we preach and we do it pretty well if I do say so myself ;D

Join our team of champions this year and see what you’re really made of, contact us today

The above photo is of our stunning clients from 2017.. from left to right…

Dean, Nikayla, Brendon, Paula, PK, Tony and Jas.

All of our athletes did amazing last year and we are very excited to be working with them all again !! 🙂

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition is an exciting initiative put together by amateur bodybuilders and health and fitness enthusiasts Brendon Lawrence and Nikayla Baker.

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