Jade Toa-Wairere – Client Journey

After years of reading numerous articles, books and watching videos online about health and nutrition I became overloaded and overwhelmed by the different ‘trends’, what one person would say was bad, another would say wasn’t, how did I know what a ‘standard’ adult size was so i could work out portion sizes, it was all so confusing so I decided to bite the bullet and see a nutritionist. Dynamic Nutrition were recommended to me, so I looked them up and read the testimonials to which at that point were mainly body builders and I found myself thinking I would be totally out of my league and comfort zone seeing someone who seemed to specialised in that area of expertise, so I decided to see someone else who I thought was more suited to my lifestyle, however after the first consultation I found I didn’t learn anything I didn’t already know and found myself back to square one.

This is when I came to the realisation that I had nothing to loose so contacted Brendon … and so the journey begins … I have been getting Brendon’s help for the last couple of months and it has been incredible. From the very first consultation I could tell how passionate he was about health as an overall and how willing and excited he was to be helping me achieve my journey to health.

I had been critically ill in 2016 and it was a journey that took a major toll on my body, Brendon took all of this in to account and how it would have affected my body and particular things like my gut health and looked in to ways to help get all of these things back on track.

In this short time I have lost body fat, gained muscle, can get through the afternoon without falling asleep, feel satisfied right throughout the day and night, have lost the cravings I once had daily and just mentally feel better about myself. My meal plan had exact portion sizes, what foods and supplements to have when and it was very straight forward to follow as well as being quick tasty meals to prepare and cook. He also took in to consideration the foods I liked and disliked and wrote my plan accordingly.

Brendon goes above and beyond to answer any questions I have, big or small and is always just an email away for help, he is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and helping you learn about food so that eventually you can go off on your own and be confident in the food choices you make having the knowledge to put together a nutritious meal to fuel your body’s needs. His knowledge is outstanding and having a background in both nutrition and personal training gives him a real understanding of the body as an overall, which for us is a bonus.

If you are considering Dynamic Nutrition I would highly recommended them, both Brendon and Nikayla are very down to earth and will be excited to help you on your journey?

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition is an exciting initiative put together by amateur bodybuilders and health and fitness enthusiasts Brendon Lawrence and Nikayla Baker.

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