Lucilla Freeman Testimonial

After having my second baby I found out I had Hashimotos a autoimmune disease which effects the thyroid, because the thyroid regulates your metabolism, I was finding my weight very hard to control. I was gaining weight despite eating well and going to the gym regularly. My lowest point was sitting on the beach watching my kids swimming, I wasn’t going to be seen alive in a swimsuit. It was time to get some help!!

I finally summed up the courage to contact Brendan and Nikayla, (I wish I had started sooner) I started with Dynamic Nutrition nearly 2 years ago so far, I have lost about 14kg. It’s been a long slow process, with several ups and downs along the way, but have found consistency is the way to go.

To keep me motivated I set small realistic goals, I wanted to be well and healthy enough to keep up with my kids, then go swimming with my kids. Then fitting into my old clothes that had been thrown in the back of the wardrobe, these things felt so amazing to do again!

It takes a huge amount of sacrifice, hard work, and organisation to achieve your goals. But it is well worth the effort.  I feel fit and energetic and my confidence has improved.

I couldn’t have done any of this without the help and support from Brendan and Nikayla, they have been so patient and understanding with my many health issues, I cannot recommend them enough!!

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition is an exciting initiative put together by amateur bodybuilders and health and fitness enthusiasts Brendon Lawrence and Nikayla Baker.

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