Renee Hohaia Testimonial

I decided to make an appointment with Dynamic Nutrition when I started having issues with my thyroid after our 3rd baby.
I was adamant I didn’t want to go on medication and was hoping to fix it with food and nutrition. I felt tired, sluggish and struggled with energy levels, I knew in myself that something wasn’t quite right. Being a busy mum with 3 kids, 4 and under, and running a business I couldn’t afford to be feeling like this all the time….

I went into my first appointment with Nikayla super nervous but with an open mind. I was totally blown away with the knowledge Nikayla offered me in that first session, it was so specific to my needs. I went away feeling pumped with a food plan, a load of vitamins and minerals and a workout I could do at home with the kids.
I literally noticed a difference within days… I felt great, with my energy levels increased I felt like a happier better mum, wife and boss.

I am still breast feeding our 10 month old and I noticed an improvement in his sleep at night, he was more settled and slept for longer (Which was a bonus).

I am only 7 weeks into my plan, and I have already noticed a difference in my body, mind and all round wellbeing. My thyroid levels are also back to normal.

Too be honest now I want more, feeling good is addictive and Nikayla is right there supporting my goals and needs.

Nikayla and Brendon are so passionate about what they do and their support is incredible. No matter what your needs are, they truly go above and beyond for their clients.

Thank you so much for helping me…

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition is an exciting initiative put together by amateur bodybuilders and health and fitness enthusiasts Brendon Lawrence and Nikayla Baker.

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