Tayla McDonald Testimonial

I decided to give Dynamic Nutrition a go as my mother had suggested it to me, after struggling to get back into shape after an injury in 2016. I also struggled with stomach issues, pounding head aches and just feeling ‘blah’ in general. I tried several different diets and was exercising regularly, but still couldn’t shift the weight and felt terrible. After 2 years nothing was changing and I had had enough. So I booked in to see Nikayla.

I was comfortable with Nikayla right from the start, as she showed that she is extremely knowledgeable and here to help! After having a chat and doing all my measurements at my first consultation, she sent me on my way with an eating plan and a few supplements.

My journey with Nikayla has been very interesting to say the least, we have had to sort my stomach issues, mood swings and also had to support my hormones after deciding to come off the pill (as I learnt this was doing some harm to my body). We did this using both vitamins and minerals and food. It has been really cool learning how different foods effect my body.

Over the weeks my eating plan and supplements were adjusted to suit my body. If I felt anything less than great, Nikayla would know and adjust the plan. Nikayla is helping me to get to know my own body and what suits it and what does not. This isn’t just a diet its a lifestyle change, I feel as though my eating habits have completely changed and I am getting to know how to correctly fuel my body.

I have lost 6kgs and all of my measurements have been coming down. I feel amazing and am enjoying the Dynamic Nutrition.

I still go in and see Nikayla once a week! She is amazing and I could not recommend her and Brendon enough!!!!!

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition is an exciting initiative put together by amateur bodybuilders and health and fitness enthusiasts Brendon Lawrence and Nikayla Baker.

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