Tony Young Testimonial

May 2nd I decided to commit to another competition after talking with Brendan and Nikayla and they created a workout and Nutrition plan to get the ball rolling for the Wellington champs . Throughout the following four months they stuck right by my side and continued to adjust my meal plan to start shaping my physique for stage.

In the final few weeks leading up to Wellington energy levels were low but with the help of Dynamic Nutrition they were able to make the process very manageable.

The night before the comp final adjustments were made for the day of the competition. On the day knowing that Brendon and Nikayla were competing also they still kept professional and looked after me. With their help I was able to take out my class win and Overall title.

The days following we decided to push on to Nationals. Again Dynamic Nutrition worked their magic and made the next 3 weeks enjoyable and easy to manage. Walking onto the National stage I knew that Brendon and Nikayla had done an outstanding job to get me here and I was able to take my class win and become NZ champ.

I can’t thank them enough for the help and continued support with my training and nutrition plans. I’m truly thankful.

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition is an exciting initiative put together by amateur bodybuilders and health and fitness enthusiasts Brendon Lawrence and Nikayla Baker.

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