Welcome to Team Dynamic!!!

Hey guys, I’d like to introduce you all to our newest addition to team Dynamic – Nikayla Baker !!

Nikayla is a Poliquin certified personal trainer with a real passion for health and fitness. She has a clear understanding that in order for the individual to achieve fast, safe and productive results exercise prescription needs to be personalized and catered for your specific requirements. From structural imbalances to over and under active muscles Nikayla finds out what makes you tick and pushes you towards your goals.

Specializing in womens weight loss and lean muscle tone we practice what we preach at Dynamic Nutrition and Nikaylas physique is no exception…. a testament to her hard work, practical application and an indepth understanding of training and nutrition.

Your in safe hands thats for sure

To enquire about Nikayla’s services please feel free to contact us via the ‘contact us’ section at the top of this page – bookings are available now !!

Have a great day.

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition

Dynamic Nutrition is an exciting initiative put together by amateur bodybuilders and health and fitness enthusiasts Brendon Lawrence and Nikayla Baker.

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